Our society is surrounded by many conspiracies regarding the sustainable development goals. As our communities continues to deviate from this plan at every turn. Activists and educators should work smartly in to make sure the community understands in depth what and what is the essence of these goals.
One of the things we can achieve is to allow various discussions especially in matters that are crucial such as gender equality, climate action, life on land just to mention a few. These discussions can be between professionals of various professions, teachers, students, children, the elderly, indigenous people, the disabled and young people.
At the same time, these discussions will give a positive view of what needs to be done to ensure that these goals are fulfilled as intended. Very often, hearing other people's voices and opinions helps to identify what they think or see about something going on in society. Therefore, both positive feedback will be listened to and worked on and negative feedback will be listened to and consulted to improve where there is a flaw to reach the intended goals.
The most important part is, there must be the discussions between NGOs, governmental institutions and governmental authorities because if they agree and work together then surely our society will reach the goals as planned.
Other times, for example certain goals may not be accomplished as planned due to the lack of closeness and collaboration between people or certain groups of people in certain places or certain institutions. The only way that can remove that is the discussions on hot topics about the matters that results up to a change.
In the midst of the fighting to achieve the correct destiny of the world's sustainable development goals (SDGs) , it is very important to hold meetings and discussions through which people of different ages, races, beliefs and cultures will give ideas and thus fully achieve those goals. These discussions can be between Non-Government Organizations and the governments and or between institutions and individuals and even discussions among young people and youth or even among NGOs with shared SDGs.
Lastly, in my opinion, we should not stop or throw away these discussions assuming that the society understands what we need under SDGs, there is a big task to ensure that our societies understand why there are SDGs? How do we achieve the SDGs? How important is the existence of the SDGs? Through that we’ll make a world a better place for us and our future generations.